Leistritz Screw Pumps are playing an ever-increasing role in Oil and Gas Applications due to their tolerance of high viscosity and temperature as well as tolerance for high gas entrainment. Light hydrocarbons with low flash point as well as waxy or heavy sour crude oils can be pumped efficiently and reliably. In pipeline systems, LACT pumps are used to accurately meter production and main pipeline pumps can handle a wide range of viscosities at various pressures successfully.
Multiphase Pumping Systems: Screw Pumps are very commonly used in upstream
Oil and Gas Applications. Leistritz is a pioneering company in Twin Screw Multiphase Pump Technology (MPP). With many years of experience and
installations all over the world,
Leistritz Multiphase Pumping Systems are found in Onshore, Offshore and
Subsea applications. Customized Units as well as Standard systems are offered with electric motor or gas engine drive. Leistritz Screw Pumps are playing an ever-increasing role due to their high viscosity and temperature and high gas entrainment tolerance. Light hydrocarbons with low flash point as well as waxy or heavy sour crude oils can be pumped efficiently and reliably because Leistritz Twin-Screw Pumps are based on the positive displacement technology where one of the benefits is the ability to boost untreated well flow without separation. The MPP systems are also suited for
Water Logged and Wet Gas Wells, reducing facility and operating expenses.